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Barbeque Chicken Sausage & Apple Flatbread Pizza

While at the grocery store today, I found organic Spiced Chicken Apple sausage marked half off.  Well I couldn't resist getting it!  I don't typically go for the flavored sausages because I'm almost always disappointed when I can't discern the flavors they claim to have.  But this one . . . was AMAZING!  I suspect because chicken is such a mild flavor, it allows the added ingredients to shine.  I also found a package of premade non-GMO flatbread on sale.  So I grabbed some barbeque sauce and decided to play around. Someone recently asked me how I come up with my recipe ideas.  This is it!  It almost always starts with a single ingredient, which makes me think of (fill in the blank), which makes me think of (keep going) . . . and I end up with this Spiced Chicken Sausage and Apple Flatbread Pizza!  I'll admit . . . my ideas don't always turn out this successful, but that's part of the learning process right?  No mistakes, only lessons learned.

Premade flatbread pizza breads are the secret to keeping this quick and easy.  This recipe is more about assembly than cooking.  It's also easily modified to add, subtract or substitute ingredients as you desire.  It has enough wow factor to serve guests for a casual, patio dinner if paired with salad and wine!  It could also be cut into appetizer size bites to serve a group!

The chunks of apple meld perfectly with the sweet, spicy chicken sausage. I chose a creamy Halvarti cheese and added several colors of tomatoes to brighten it up.  The drizzle of barbeque sauce was just enough to marry it all together.

Barbeque Chicken and Apple Flatbread