Peonies and Pears

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Make a London Fog at Home

Ok friends . . . I’m now the proud owner of a Milk Frother. Yes, this gadget’s sole purpose is to whip milk to a froth. Wait, before you roll your eyes and shake your head . . . hear me out! This handy little gadget allows you to make coffee house concoctions in your own home like coffee lattes too! It doesn’t take up much more space than a utensil and it’s not expensive. After trying desperately to DIY froth via the mixer, whisks and a ton of arm strength, I hit Amazon and ordered one. This is pure magic.

My entire family has been enjoying London Fog’s all winter. So what is it? A classic London Fog is Earl Grey tea blended with sugar (honey for me) and vanilla, then topped with warm, frothed milk. There are a ton of variations, but this is the base recipe.

This is NOT a sponsored post, I just really like the product I reference! However this post does continue affiliate links. This means that if you purchase the item, I get a very small commission to support my blog. It does not cost you anything. To learn more, read here.

.I use double bags to get a really strong tea, since we are adding so much milk to it (about half and half ratio). I use a teaspoon of vanilla per cup, along with about a tablespoon (or more) of honey. I like mine sweet.

Next comes the froth! I heat my milk in the microwave for about 30-45 seconds and use this tiny sticker blender like tool (that uses three AAA batteries) to froth the milk in mere seconds!

Simply top off your tea cup with this silky, frothy milk and enjoy!